Thursday, May 29, 2014

10 Questions - A.

"Good artists borrow. Great artists steal."

The Sex is Fun podcast did a series called "Five Questions." In these episodes, the interview subject was asked five questions about their sexuality. These questions were constructed to give a good overview and introduction to a person's sexuality, a broad look at how they define themselves and their sexual lives.

I loved this series. It was simple. It was intimate. It was enlightening. To sit and give focus to the basics of a person's sexuality in a clean format is rare inside of sex podcasts.

So we are stealing it, modifying it, re-painting the sign outside and dusting off the countertops, making it our own. S and I will be launching a new audio series in the spirit of "Five Questions." This will be our first podcast/audio show, and I look forward to seeing where this leads. Our version of the five questions is longer, less broad, and a little more geared towards creating an entertaining audio show. I welcome any feedback about this proposal.

The ten questions asked to each guest, starting with S and I, are:

1. Who are you as a sexual being? This description can include, but is not limited to, labels about gender, labels about sexual orientation, preferences, kinks, interests, attractions, age, religion, race, experience, etcetera. Feel free to be as broad or specific as possible, keeping in mind that any information offered will help us know you better.

2. What is/are your first memory(s) of sex, arousal, and/or sexuality?

3. How where you raised or taught about sex in your early life?
(Early life through elementary school)
Did you seek out any additional education on your own during this time?

4. How were you raised or taught about sex in your teenage life?
(Middle school through early college)
Did you seek out any additional education on your own during this time?

5. Who do you hope or aspire to be in life as a sexual person?

6. What is a particularly good sexual memory you have, a memory that stands out as an amazing experience?

7. What are some fantasies you have fulfilled in your life so far? Did they live up to your expectations?

8. What are some fantasies you have yet to fulfill, and know for sure that you definitely want to?

9. What are some fantasies you have yet to fulfill, and are unsure if you will or not?

10. What are your thoughts on sex in culture today?

After these questions, I will offer one last chance for the subject to make any comments they feel that need to be shared. This will be a time to confess deep, dark desires, personal stances, pimp out their information for our audience, or just decline and politely sit back.

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